
Shop counter – a crucial part of your store

Well equipped store can not work without a properly designed counter and cash register.

We advise how important this part of the shopfitting is and how to avoid some typical mistakes while arranging it.

Many factors work for well-equipped store. One of them, which sometimes is marginalized, is the area of ​​payments, where the shop counter and cash register are placed. Its location and design are crucial – at this area the transaction with the customer is finalized.

Expenses on these elements of equipment should be seen as an investment that will return at a rapid pace. What you should know before choosing a proper shop counter?

Before the project of the store interior will be moved from paper to reality, it is worth to take into account dividing the space into separate sections. Correct adaptation of the front of the store is significant issue. This definitely is not the space where transactions between the customer and the brand should take place. The area closest to the entrance is the perfect place for exposition of what the brand wants to offer  the customer – that part should present the most important, flagship product range.

Where we direct first steps during the first visit to the store? If we want to design and equip our store in a way which cause that customer coming through our doorstep will move on a trip, we should not put the shop counter in the area which is visible from the entrance of the store, especially to the right of it. Exposure of products should be arranged to drive a customer through invisible but palpable path, at the end of which there is a shop counter.

However, cash desk should not be treated only  as a place of finalizing the transaction. It is also a point of last chance to leave a positive lasting impression on our clients. It is worth remembering that the customer in the area of ​​cash must feel comfortable. He must be given space to close a transaction, remembering about the extra space for private things: wallet, purse, etc. Shop counters  can also be used as a place to encourage small, spontaneous purchases or the purchase of gift cards. You can put these products directly on the counter or in its close proximity.

Esthetical  and functional aspects of the payments  area should be treated as a key elements of equipping  store. It is worth remembering that the zone must be consistent with the message of the brand referring to color and style.

The Ergo Store company specializes in the designing and manufacturing of retail space fittings. We offer comprehensive, innovative solutions that can effectively promote company sales and brand image. Our services cover projects’ designing, as well as manufacturing wall systems and freestanding furniture including their shipping and assembly. Thanks to the back-developed organizational and experienced team of designers and engineers, Ergo Store may undertake other tasks in the design and equipment of any retail space.

We deliver and install our furniture all over Europe and beyond it on East markets.


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