
When space does not contribute to the brand. Typical mistakes that we might come across in stores

The store’s outfitting design has a significant influence on converting clients’ visits into sales. What design errors in retail stores happen most often? We advise how to turn good design into profits.

A goodshopfitter, besides a rich portfolio, also has the appropriate know-how to show the client the mistakes most often made in the store outfitting design. He will also advise how to avoid them and what to focus on while designing the interiors of a retail saloon.

1. “I see nothing”, or low visibility of the store’s assortment

Everyone wishes to find the desired product in a store as soon as possible. Therefore, scanning the store’s space with your eyes should go unobstructed and immediately lead the client to the goal. A common mistake include excessive signs surrounding the entrance. This way, the client might get discouraged from further searches. Furthermore, the client might not notice high-margin products in our store.

2. Layout contrary to logic, or the lost client

The path leading the client from the product to the cash registers ought to be as short as possible. At the same time, it should not only include easy navigation but also conduce explorations instead of getting lost. Hence, it is worth taking a closer look at clients and the way they roam throughout store. The most sought-after assortment should be placed at the end of the store so that our clientshave the opportunity to get acknowledged with the rest of our offer while on the way to theirwanted product.

3. Bad design and shoplifting

Financial losses resulting from shoplifting are the problem of nearly each store that offers small-sized products. In order to minimize the risk of shoplifting, it is worth focusing on proper visibility. The store’s windows play a significant role here as they allow you to observe what is happening both inside and outside. Therefore, the store’s personnel may pay much attention to unusual behavior of potential shoplifters already before they enter the store. Inside however, the shoplifter will find it more difficult to find a secluded spot to steal the product. We ought to remember that design should help the personnel observe what is happening within the store. Strategic places within the store, such as entrances and exits, should be located in a way that the staff will always keep them in sight.

4. When space is not productive

The productivity of the retail space is usually measured by the size of sales per one square meter. If the productivity ratio is low, you should quickly take up actions to correct this. The most often remedy is to enhance the store’s interiors and its outfitting design. Why does the client’s path avoid certain areas? How to optimize the space’s functionality? Often, small changes are sufficient in order to give the client the feeling of freedom in our store.

5. “Do not clutter!”, or how not to overdo with exposition 

The first purchase is an eyesight purchase. We “buy” with our eyes the things we see. A tempting prospect of maximal use of retail space often ends up with chaos, which discourages the clients from shopping. The best exposition method will be to leave some empty space around the high-margin products. This will allow to catch clients’ attention and give them space for free explorations.

As Josh Astor, specialist from retail industry, asserts, the abovementioned areas are the ones where a shoplifter meets errors. They cannot be fixed in just one day. However, small, cosmetic corrections would be surely enough to increase the retail saloon’s productivity and encourage clients to pay further visits. With a good shoplifter, this task will be even easier.


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