
26th Grand Finale of Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity – Ergo Store is the main sponsor of the MotoOrchestra in Cracow

Ergo Store will once again support the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. As in previous years, our company will be the sponsor of MotoOrchestra, organized in Cracow at the M1 Shopping Center.

As always, MotoOrchestra has prepared many attractions, not only for motoring enthusiasts. The participants will have opportunity to meet motorcyclists, rally drivers, quads, drifters, paragliders, quad taxi, drift taxi, as well as new and antique motorcycles and cars. Motosport stars will participate in the event, including Monika Jaworska (KATANKA), the most titled motorcycle competitor in Poland, as well as Jan Chmielewski, Maciej Steinhof, Grzegorz Olchawski and others. The guest will also be Jan Kulig, who will present a replica of his son Janusz car. Presentation of replicas of the tragically deceased rally driver’s cars is a fixed point of the MotoOrchestra programme. In the parking area at M1 Shopping Center there will be also opportunity to see Rafał Sonik and Paweł Samek quads. The program also includes bids and concerts – we will see bands like Heart Attack, Radio Propaganda, Flow Up and others. We invite you on Sunday, January 14 from 11 to 20 to the M1 Shopping Center (Aleja Pokoju Street 67) in Krakow.

MotoOrchestra will be the part of the 26th Grand  Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. This year the target will be to raise funds for hospital neonatology departments. This will be the next final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity supported by Ergo Store. In 2016, we received a special statuette from the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation with thanks for our long term cooperation.


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    ul. Płk. Ryszarda Kuklińskiego 17A
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