
Ergo Store at 4 Design Days 2016

Ergo Store was participating in the prestigious 4 Design Days (11-14 February 2016) – the largest event in the real property, architecture, interiors and design market in this part of Europe.

4 Design Days took place in the International Congress Center in Katowice. The four days festival of Polish design was attended by 3,500 officialsand 170 exhibitors. The total amount of visitors was almost 20 000 people. Part of the Design Days were accompanying events: Regional Property Forum Katowice, Housemarket Forum Silesia and the presentation of awards for the representatives of the industry: Property Design Awards 2016 and Housemarket Silesia Awards 2016.

Ergo Store was participating in discussions about the architecture of commercial and public space. We were attending a panel on how shops are being designed today with special guest Nadeem Malik – the creator of concepts for Michael Kors – one of our clients. We were also attending the discussions on the condition of Polish commercial architecture, its position and role in urban developmhttp://”https://ergostore.pl/en/blog-en/ergo-store-at-4-design-days-2016/ ent.

These were four intense days full of inspiring discussions. See you next year!


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    ul. Płk. Ryszarda Kuklińskiego 17A
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