
Atmosphere in your shop does matter

Every customer who decides to shop in our store should be seen as a success due to many factors. 
A well-equipped store, with interior that leaves customers with positive impression, is just as important as the quality of the offered product. Atmosphere is a word that often appears while talking about personal space or clubs and pubs. However, more and more consumers grade commercial spaces also in terms of certain cosiness, consistency of interior concept or its originality. If you think that your store interior can go through a small “identity crisis”, it is time to thoroughly rethink its concept. How to start? From the simplest of things!

Match the right music with the right people

There are shops with interiors that resemble dance clubs. There are also stores where you hear nothing else but lounge music, while other stores deal simply without music. One thing is certain: the music we choose and how loud we play it in the store has a significant impact on the comfort of shopping. Choose a daily playlist suitable for the the type customer that you care about most.

The equipment reflects brand’s character

Your brand should be identified not only by its products, as it was written already on many occasions. As we invest in clothing to emphasize our style and character, so does our company need to invest in the right store equipment. If the store’s interior is meant to resemble rustic style, think of using vintage furniture and suitable finish. If the brand’s offer is based upon top-notch products, elegance, simplicity and high-quality materials will be the best combination to create suitable interior.

Keep eyes wide open to details

A nicely designed hanger on which the dream dress hangs is something that will not escape the eye of vigilant clients. Of course, this rule also works the other way: do not be misled by the thought that the customer will not notice a dusty shelf or a shop counter zone that is too small. Let us design in a manner in which we remember that small things matter and it is important to keep them in proper order.

And finally: do not overdo it

Trust yourself and your shopfitter. This is the best way to channel your ideas and put them into reality. Overloaded space, light that is too strong or badly chosen music are as discouraging as cold, empty space. Those are facts which were confirmed by conducted surveys of customers’ mood in selected stores.

At Ergo Store we have been dealing with complex, modern solutions for years, so we can effectively support sales and brand image with the highest standards. Therefore, our company is trustworthy with most advanced, innovative projects of interiors of commercial spaces.


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    ul. Płk. Ryszarda Kuklińskiego 17A
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