
5 ideas for using visual merchandising to increase sales in your store

We have already written on our blog that visual merchandising is the key to success in retail. Many shop owners are aware of its importance, but because of lack of knowledge and experience they are not sure how to use it properly.

That is why we have prepared a short guide in which we describe how visual merchandising tools can help us attract customers and increase the revenue of the store.

1. The color is king

Color can be the key to success. The store decoration can be inconsistent or chaotic, but if the colors coordinate well, the display can still be a success. We can consider using contrasting colors like black and white or choose using monochromatic color. Such colors can create intriguing, eye-catching displays and encourage customer to visit the store.

2. Focus on a focal point

Research shows that a well-prepared focal point in the store can increase sales by 229 percent. It is worth to examine our display from the customer’s point of view and check if our central point attracts attention. It also worth to remember about displaying the products in the central point properly. For example, if we sell bathing suits, they are objects  that should attract attention, not additional decorations, such as sand or sunglasses.

3. Expose customers to as many products as possible.

It is worth to show as much merchandise as possible – the more products customers see, the more they buy.  Of course, we should avoid the impression of clutter. It is worth to consider a circular store layout, because thanks to it, the customer has a chance to see more than in the case of traditional alleys. But if we use alleys, it is worth to place a display in dead center so customers are forced to stop and look at the products.

4. Use the empty space

The space in which the eye can find a respite from the products is worth using in a thoughtful way. We can place additional information or customer reviews there. Why not to present photos / graphics that evoke positive associations with our products. For example, in a furniture store it can be a picture of a happy family resting on the couch.

5. Tell a story

It is worth to tell the customer a story about our products and their advantages. For example, in three short slogans we can describe why thanks to our product his life can become easier. Instead of writing a long story, we should use short sentences like powerful bullet points.  We do not even necessarily have to use the text. Sometimes icons or graphics may be more convincing.

Visual merchandising has many aspects and sellers can choose from many solutions. We’ve just described some of them here. Well-used ideas for arranging our store mean more satisfied customers and more revenue.

The Ergo Store company will happily take on new challenges in the field of production as well as designing and manufacturing of retail space fittings. We offer comprehensive, modern shopfitting solutions that can effectively support sales and brand image. Thanks to the developed organizational base and an experienced team of designers, engineers and constructors, Ergo Store can also undertake other tasks in the field of designing and equipping any commercial space


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