
Ergo Store at GlobalShop

Ergo Store crossed the ocean to take part in GlobalShop – the biggest in the USA and one of the most important world events in the retail industry.

Our company for the first time participated in trade fairs on the American continent. Ergo Store is constantly developing and is ready to conduct ever larger projects with a global reach. We look wider and explore new opportunities. Therefore, visit in Chicago was a great opportunity for us to initiate new business relationships, interesting and fruitful meetings with representatives of the most recognizable global brands, as well as to observe and analyze industry trends and new products.

GlobalShop has returned to Chicago this year, where it was held for the first time a quarter of a century ago (the last few editions of the event were hosted in Las Vegas). Interiors of McCromick Place have gathered over 10,000 representatives of the industry. GlobalShop gathers specialists under one roof in areas such as design, visual merchandising, new technologies and marketing. Companies participating in the event have a great opportunity to present themselves to retailers, brands, architects, designers and IT specialists. A fact worth attention was detailed specialization of exposing companies focusing on specific competences in the field of designing and manufacturing of retail space fittings. The DIGITAL section was in the center of attention this year – it is a visible trend in the retail industry, which follows the latest technology and interactive solutions.

An integral part of GlobalShop was a conference where experts presented practical knowledge concerning issues like designing succesfull shopping experience or brand management. We could learn, among others, how Generation Z changes the face of the retail industry and could expand our knowledge in the field of RFiD technology.

The next edition of GlobalShop will take place in June 2019 in Chicago. This time, under the slogan RetailX, three events will be combined – next to GlobalShop it will be Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition (IRCE) dedicated to e-commerce and RFID Journal LIVE! – an event entirely devoted to the use of RFID technology in the retail industry.


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