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Ergo Store has prepared three LPP stores in the shopping park in Świebodzin, Poland

The Sinsay, Cropp, and House stores started operating on April 23, 2024, on the opening day of the new shopping park, Karuzela Świebodzin.

Production of a brick-and-mortar store in the shopping park

Although situated in western Poland, Świebodzin is a small town with significant investment potential, as evidenced by the largest Amazon warehouse in Poland located here, as well as the equally impressive OBI distribution center serving the Polish market and Central European countries.

The newly opened retail park, conveniently located along the main access road, is set to become a permanent destination for daily shopping for both locals and those in the vicinity.

The retail offer of this retail park includes, among others, the first new format Lidl supermarket and the first Bricomarche building supply store in the city. Meanwhile, the clothing offer has been dominated by our regular client, the Tri-City-based company LPP, which has opened stores for three of its brands here – Sinsay, House, and Cropp.

Our company produced these stores and for each brand, we handled retail furniture production, transportation, and installation, which took place in the first half of April 2024.

The largest area, totaling 1197 square meters, belongs to the Sinsay store. This brand in the LPP portfolio aims for a holistic approach to the store visit, placing great emphasis on the emotions and experiences accompanying purchases. In line with this, the clothing offer is complemented by collections for children and home accessories. The Sinsay store also features a beauty offer.

Ergo Store’s collaboration with the LPP brand

LPP is our regular client, for whom we have prepared stores in various countries over many years of cooperation, including Hungary, Germany, Romania, Finland, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Poland.

In 2024, for the Tri-City company, we prepared, among other projects, stores for all five brands of the group in Nowy Targ, the Sinsay store in Bratislava, as well as new stores in the Balkans – including Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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