
Ergo Store once again at Retail Design Expo

The next edition of Retail Design Expo is behind us – one of the most important events in the retail industry, which every year gathers at the London hall of Olympia specialists in designing and manufacturing of retail space fittings, visual merchandising, marketing and representatives of architectural design studios. Ergo Store could not miss this oportunity. We took part in the fair for the third time.

This year, parallel to the RDE, events were held for people and companies whose industry interests and competences go beyond design. These were Retail Digital Signage Expo (RDSE) and Retail Business Technology Expo (RBTE). These last two events were the most popular among visitors, which confirms the importance of new technologies for the retail industry nowadays. Participants could, among others, find out how shops operate without cash registers – a special display was prepared by the supplier of such solutions, which already  can be found in Europe, among others, in the Saturn Express store in Austria.

Retail Design Expo and two parallel events were not only an opportunity to familiarize with the offer of exhibitors, but also gave attendees an occasion to participate in numerous conferences, discussion panels and workshops. They were divided into thematic sections, including such areas as branding or visual merchandising. Stores of the future were also discussed and participants interested in new technologies could learn, among others, why Augmented Reality is more important for the retail industry than Virtual Reality. During the discussion panels, we could listen to practitioners representing brands such as Adidas, L’oreal Luxe, or Lacoste.

Networking is also an important element of every trade event. Appreciating its importance, the organizers have prepared a special digital tool to help find valuable partners for cooperation.

Also for us, Retail Design Expo was a good opportunity to make interesting business contacts and look for new business opportunities. We could also broaden our knowledge about new trends and gain knowledge about the future of the retail industry. Therefore, we will be happy to take part in the next edition of Retail Design Expo in 2019.


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