
Ergo Store supported the “Computer for pupil” campaign

Helping is especially important in difficult times. Our company supported the “Computer for pupil” campaign, which aims to transfer computers to the most needy children, so that they will be able to participate in remote education, conducted during the coronavirus pandemic.

Many children do not have a computer at home, and often the parent’s mobile phone becomes the only possible tool for accessing remote education during a pandemic. Hence the campaign to meet the educational needs of the youngest.

As part of the “Computer for a student” action, we cooperated with the Krakow company Teleaudyt, which took care of cleaning the data and preparing the equipment we provided. Computers will be sent to schools, which will then pass them on to the most needy pupils.

Everyone has more or less felt the effects of the current pandemic. We hope that thanks to the “Computer for a student” action, these effects will be at least a little less burdensome for the youngest.

We would like to thank Telaudyt for cooperation and we wish pupils fruitful remote learning.


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    ul. Płk. Ryszarda Kuklińskiego 17A
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