
Look into the eyes of a shopfitter and choose the best one

Equipping commercial spaces consistently  with your brand strategy is a task requiring knowledge and experience. The best way to avoid all unnecessary problems  is to contact with a good shopfitter at the very beginning of the project. How to find the best person in this profession? Count on a direct conversation!

Communication without unnecessary intermediaries allows better evaluation of the competence of our future cooperatives. What should we pay attention to while deciding to negotiate directly with a shopfitter?

• Portfolio is important. Even if the company which we intend to cooperate with has a long history, but does not have experience in the production of shop equipment in our industry, it may have difficulty in identifying our specifics and requirements. So it is worth to ensure that we entrust the realization of our store to company who recognizes our problems perfectly

• Good company engaged in equipping the store always should appoint a supervisor of the project, which will focus on our needs. Everything will be ready on time and within the planned budget.

• Although it sounds like a cliché, it is worth to remind it: good shopfitter solves your problems quickly. Certainly You will not avoid them during realization of the project. Moreover, if in the production process too many intermediaries are involved, communication problems can occur at the most unexpected moments. The time of reaction and no unnecessary intermediaries in communication are crucial.

• Regular reporting the status of the project is an important issue. Purchaser does not need to be informed about every detail of implementation process. But he must receive a good amount of knowledge about how the design and production tasks entrusted to the shopfitter are proceeding. There are no inappropriate questions – good shopfitter will ensure that the customer receives regular reports on the work progress.

The Ergo Store company maintains a high standard of communication with customers. We offer comprehensive, innovative solutions that can effectively promote sales and brand image. Thanks to the back-developed organizational and experienced team of designers, engineers and Ergo Store may undertake other tasks in the design and equipment of any retail space.


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