
The EuroShop 2017 Trade Fair marked by diversity and personalization

113,000 visitors and 2,368 exhibitors from 61 countries – this is a summary of the EuroShop 2017 Trade Fair. At the world’s biggest retailtrade fair dedicated to shop fittings, architecture and visual marketing, there were discussedmost important issues for the retail industry today: the role of emotions in buying experience and the value of digitalization and omnichannel for the industry.

EuroShop is an event with a long tradition, whichhas been present in the retail industry calendar for fifty years. The fair takes place every three years in Düsseldorf, Germany and attracts visitors from all over the world who are interested in setting up new business contacts as well as gaining knowledge on the latest trends in outfitting, sales and advertising. This year, discussions and networking took place in the area of 127 thousand square meters covered by 18 exhibition halls.

According to the organizers, between 5 and 9 March the Trade Fair was visited by guests from 138 countries. They had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the new concept of Euroshop agenda. This year’s edition of the event was divided into seven blocks: POP Marketing & Store Design, Expo & Event Marketing, Retail Technology, Lighting, Visual Merchandising, Shop Fitting & Store Desing and Food Tech & Energy Management.

The thematic scope of this year’s edition of EuroShop was not a surprise. The main topics were the growing digitalization of the retail industry, tailor-made omnichannel solutions and proceeding personalization of the purchasing experience.

– The trade has certainly confirmed the dominating trends in the industry, which focus on the huge variety, innovation and format of stationary stores supported by digital solutions – in the form of advertising or interior design – notes Paweł Dziarek, New Business Director at Ergo Store. Exhibitors explored new eco-friendly solutions for the retail industry.

– The use of eco-friendly materials in store equipment will increasingly be perceived as complementary activity for companies that produce eco-friendly clothing, such as recycled items. It is also worth emphasizing that online and stationery stores are gaining strength and taking complementary activities, but physical stores stillare the leaders.The purchases in a stationary store are associated with true emotions. Therefore, the owners of stores often decide to design the interior consistent with the brand image. Together they are complementary elements of the story about the brand and its products, which consistently encourage to do shopping – concludes Dziarek.

Our company has also prepared for the role of exhibitor at EuroShop. More information about our stand and retail trends worth mentioning in Central and Eastern Europe will soon be posted on our blog.


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