
Store equipment vs budget – how to avoid unnecessary costs without losing quality

Setting up a shopfitting project is a real challenge. Is it possible to stand out from the competition with limited budget? We suggest how to design, while taking care of brand recognition and interior quality.

The question of how to motivate a pedestrian to become a customer is a key issue for many retailers.  In addition to the quality and price of the products, the brand image and shopping pleasure remain crucial criteria. These, however, carry the need for investment. How to meet high consumer demand when our budget is limited? As an experienced shopfitting company, we recommend the following:

1. Minimize the scope of construction work

If we decide to rent a commercial space, it is quite likely that it has already been adapted for sale purposes. It is worth to carefully estimate the potential of what we already have and how we can adapt our project to the possibilities offered by our space. At this stage it is worth to contact with shopfitting company which will appraise the potential of the premises. Adaptation to the basic conditions is a way to save a lot of unnecessary costs.

2. Avoid “tailor-made” option

The solutions prepared for our wishes are a tempting, but extremely costly option. If we are seduced by non-standard projects, spending will grow, quickly surpassing the possibilities of a modest budget. However, remember that not every piece of equipment needs to adapt to individual requirements. The most important thing is to keep the style and character of the brand and the functionality of space.

3. Corrections will be expensive

Many companies still decide to equip their store by themselves. When they realize that the support of professionals is indispensable and then call shopfitting company, they receive a list of necessary and expensive corrections to the project. In order not to fall into the trap of unnecessary spending on adjustments, consult shopfitting company right from the start. Determine your budget, needs and pay attention to key areas of your brand. The first step is always a matter of conversation.

4.  Cheaper does not mean worse

Finishing materials are an area in which we can make some savings. Each material, both a more expensive and a synthetic substitute, has its own characteristics. Company experienced in designing and fitting out the store space can advise how to reduce the cost of finishes with cheaper material alternatives to achieve a satisfactory result. That is why material selection advice is one of the services we offer.

5. The power of design is big

This is the method of reviving space, adding their character, better marking or simply filling empty space – graphic elements have invaluable significance not only in the retail industry. It is worth remembering that a well designed and produced graphic element can more effectively fall into the memory than the correct and standardized interior. In our company, besides wall systems, freestanding furniture and equipment, we also deal with graphics, coffers and advertising materials, adjusting them to the needs of the client. Their costs can be a fraction of the total cost of expensive finishing materials.

The areas mentioned above are the ones where the way to reduce costs is easiest. However, keep in mind that everything starts with the “keep things simple” principle. Simplicity in the design and equipment of the store is a superior right, which should be followed consistently not only when our budget is limited.


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