
Eco-friendly store – what does it mean?

In an era of increasing eco awareness, environmental protection is increasingly important in the retail industry as well. The contribution of stationary shops to environmental pollution is unfortunately not small. How can this harmful impact be reduced? Find out some ways to make your stationary shop environmentally friendly.

What ecological stationary store is?

We usually associate an eco-friendly store with natural products on shelves, such as natural cosmetics or recycled products. Very often these are also stores whose interiors are made of environmentally friendly materials. Such brands also cooperate with eco organizations and organize events together. But more important aspects that cannot be seen take place behind the scenes.

Reducing the amount of waste

One of the most important ways to protect the environment is reducing the amount of waste. Brick-and-mortar stores can start by reducing the amount of packaging and disposable products used. Good solution might be replacing plastic bags with eco-friendly, reusable or recyclable paper bags.

Waste segregation

Waste segregation is a key element in caring for the environment. In stationary stores, it is worth taking care of appropriate waste containers, in accordance with the regulations and designated colors. In this way, we will ensure that the waste is properly processed and does not have a negative impact on the environment.

Ecological technologies

Brick-and-mortar stores can also use technologies that are environmentally friendly. It is worth considering the installation of lighting systems based on solar energy or LEDs, which consume much less energy than traditional light bulbs. Store temperature control systems can also be used to reduce electricity consumption.

Recycling program

The recycling program is another way to protect the environment in stationary stores. It is worth providing space for containers for used batteries, toners, as well as product packaging. In this way, we will encourage customers to bring waste to the store, and not throw it in random places. It might also be interesting for a shop to join the ‘give old, take new’ programme, whereby a customer leaves old clothes in the shop, for example, and can pick up a new item or get a discount on their purchases.

The ecological philosophy of Ergo Store

Our team prepares shopfittings while respecting the environment and the comfort of all those involved in production. In our work, we adhere to the highest standards in terms of sustainability policy, and reducing the negative impact of furniture production on the environment is one of our top priorities. For more on this, please read our Code of Conduct.

Ergo Store’s environmental measures also apply to the company’s head office – we have introduced a number of environmentally friendly solutions in our ‘green office‘, which we have detailed here. In 2022, our environmental measures were officially confirmed with the Green Companies certificate from EcoBusinessPoland.


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