
Ergo Store prepared two Sinsay stores in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ergo Store has successfully completed the production of two new Sinsay stores in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both are located in the Belamionix shopping center chain. 

Production of Sinsay store at Belamionix Gallery in Srebrenik

The first store – in Srebrenik, was opened on October 6, 2023. This impressive 838 m2 store offers customers a wide selection of clothing, accessories, and household items. Ergo Store was responsible for all aspects of the project, from retail furniture production to transportation and assembly. The installation took place from September 22 to 27, 2023 and the store was opened on October 6.

The store was meticulously designed to provide customers with a comfortable and enjoyable shopping experience. Although the design doesn’t feature any unusual elements, it was carefully tailored to meet the needs of customers and the characteristics of the Sinsay brand.

Sinsay Store in Tuzla Prepared by Ergo Store

The second store is situated in the Belamionix shopping center in Tuzla. With a surface area of 754 m2, this store offers a rich selection of clothing and accessories. As in the previous location, Ergo Store was responsible for retail furniture production, assembly and transportation. The installation took place from September 29 to October 4 and the store was opened on November 16.

The store’s design follows the style of the Sinsay brand, focusing on functionality and aesthetics.

Ergo Store: Crafting Spaces for Exceptional Shopping Experiences

At Ergo Store, our passion lies in turning ideas into reality. From production to assembly, our teams meticulously attend to every detail. Our approach to store design goes beyond combining functionality with aesthetics; it embodies flexibility in adapting to evolving trends.

We become an integral part of the success story of every brand we serve. Our ability to adapt to changing trends and our flexibility in store production are the keys to customer satisfaction.

So far, our clients were brands such as Sinsay, Reserved, House, Cropp, Mohito from LPP,  the American brand Dockers, Levi’s, the women’s brand More & More and many others.


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